
Can I return my order?

If the order does not meet your expectations, you have received the wrong product, or you do not want to keep the purchase for any other reason, you can return your order within eight days of receipt. Of course, the products you return must be undamaged and in the original packaging. If the delivered products show defects upon receipt, please contact our customer service by email at, so that we can find a solution together. Products from the clearance sale and customer-specific items are excluded from the right of return.

Returning products by post

Always notify us of your return within eight days of receipt via this page. Fill out the form online and press Send to send it to us. Then print out the completed form and include it with the products you are returning. This way, we are already aware of it and can quickly process your return upon receipt. Then hand over your return package to PostNL or another carrier. Do you need help or advice on returning your order? Email us at

How do I get my purchase amount back?

Your purchase amount will always be refunded to your bank account by our head office in Uden. You will not get your money back in cash.

Will I get the shipping costs back?

Whether you return a complete order or just one product, both the shipping costs for sending your order and those for returning your order are at your own expense. You will get your purchase amount back, but not the shipping costs (unless you have made other arrangements with our customer service).

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